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Research publications

  • Wilson T, Daneshmand A, Parys S, Watanabe Y. Splanchnic vein thrombosis in acute pancreatitis: a review of treatment indications, methods, and outcomes in a single institution.  ANZ J Surg;

  • Palan R, Singer D, Parys S. Rectal Foreign Body Trauma in Western Australia: A 15 Year Case Series. Ann Clin Case Stud 2023; 5(3): 1078.

  • ​Tan R, Daneshmand A, Parys S, Watanabe Y, Sieunarine K. Splanchnic venous thrombosis: aetiologies and a review of the literature. ANZ J Surg 2022; 92: 2224-2228

  • Parys S, Johnston V, Watanabe Y. Patient journey to treatment in pancreatic and gastro-oesophageal cancer.  Int J Sci Research 2022; 11(2): 1-2

  • Parys S, Park H, Entriken F, Ee HC, Hodder R. Endoscopic clips allow for accurate pre-operative localisation of colorectal cancer. ANZ J Surg. 2021; 91(10): 2121-25.

  • Parys S, Daneshmand A, Sieunarine K, Watanabe Y. The effect of Co-morbidity on early clinical decision making in acute mesenteric ischemia. Acta Chir Belg. 2021; 18: 1-15

  • Tan R, Parys S, Watanabe Y. Diagnosis and management of epiploic appendagitis: a single-institution 10-year experience. Pol J Surg. 2021; 93:1-5.

  • Park H, Parys S, Tan J, Entriken F, Hodder R. Post-operative outcomes in the elderly following colorectal cancer surgery. ANZ J Surg. 2021; 91(3): 387-391.

  • Daneshmand A, Parys S, Rao S, Watanabe Y, Sieunarine S. Portal venous gas: different aetiologies and their respective outcomes. ANZ J Surg 2020; 90(5): 767-71

  • Toh P, Parys S, Watanabe Y. Appendiceal Diverticular Disease: A 10-year Retrospective Study of Cases from Tertiary Hospitals in Western Australia. Chirurgia 2020; 115: 348-56

  • Parys S, Eranki A, Khamhing S. Can Initial Inflammatory Markers Predict Length Of Stay In Uncomplicated Diverticulitis?. Giornale Chirurgia 2019; 40(2): 88-94.

  • Toh P, Parys S, Watanabe Y. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: delayed presentation following a SCUBA dive. BMJ Case Rep 2020;13:e234040

  • Parys SP, Werapitiya. Acutely slipped gastric band with gastric necrosis and massive haemorrhage. J Surg Case Reports 2013; 8: 1-2.

  • Parys SP, Leman T, Gurfinkel R. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection on a Reconstructive Free Flap. ePlasty 2013; 13: 191-5.


  • “COVID-19 and Acute Surgery: The effect of a global pandemic on how patients present with a common surgical pathology and the outcomes of these presentations” at Australasian Trauma Society, Virtual conference 2020

  •  “The effect of BMI on 30 day outcomes following ventral hernia repair” at General Surgeons Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, Hobart, Tas

  • “Percutaneous intra-operative veno-venous bypass facilitating resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma involving the inferior vena cava (IVC)” at ANZSVS 2019 Conference, Adelaide, SA

  • “Tumour size affecting re-excision rates  in image guided breast conserving surgery  for invasive cancers” at Milan Breast Network Oncoplastic meeting, Milan, Italy 2019

  • “Spontaneous perforation of malignant gastric lymphoma, a conservative management” at Provincial Surgeons of Australia Annual Scientific Conference 2017, Armidale NSW.

  • “An Animal Model for Small Joint Arthroscopy” at European Surgical Society 15th Annual meeting 2011, Krakow, Poland.

  • “Tensile Strength of Different Polypropylene Suture Material” at New Zealand Hand Surgery Society Conference 2010, Raratonga, Cook Islands. Awarded Best Registrar Paper.

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